Ashley Colley to serve a second term as AWSM president

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AWSM Board

ESPN associate producer Ashley Colley will serve a second consecutive term as the Association for Women in Sports Media's president.

“I am honored to be able to serve AWSM as the president for another year," Colley said. “I think keeping consistency at this position is very important for the future of our organization. While we have made progress since this organization was founded in 1987, we still have a long way to go as we push to achieve true equality for women in sports media. One of my goals for the organization this year is to become an even bigger resource for our members and all women in the industry. We want to be able to help with anything they may need. While a number of issues our members face on a regular basis have been in the spotlight in recent months, it is important we listen to and support them. There is more we can do for our Black female members and all our members of color. These are conversations we are continually having not just among the board, but with our membership as well. Being more accessible to our membership and those in the field is something I am personally promising to do, especially when face-to-face meetings such as regional events or our annual convention are currently not possible. I can be reached on my personal email ( or at the AWSM Board account ( as well as on social media. I encourage anyone seeking support in any way to reach out to me.”

An AWSM member since 2013, Colley has served in various leadership roles since 2015: two as a vice president and two as a coordinator, primarily working on digital platforms. The Connecticut-based producer/editor now works on ESPN’s NFL coverage but has spent the majority of her four years in Bristol working on SportsCenter. The Missouri native is a graduate of the University of Missouri -- serving as a co-founder of the school's AWSM student chapter and leading it to Chapter of the Year in 2015. Colley ran unopposed for the AWSM president. Her new one-year term as well as new board chair Iliana Limón Romero’s begin Aug. 1.

“I am excited to have Iliana as our new board chair,” said Colley. “As I have gotten to know her over the past few years, she has become a great ally for me both on a professional and personal level. My hope is even more of our members will get to see that on display as we execute our vision for AWSM throughout the year. Our organization will greatly benefit from her taking this new leadership position.”

AWSM is seeking volunteers to fill spots on its board: VP/fundraising as well as coordinators for fundraising, membership, scholarship/internships and social media. A one-year committed is required for these positions and will begin Sept. 1. If you are interested, please email by Aug. 14.

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